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    Building Community Resilience through Communication & Technology

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  • Slide 2

    Training Curricula

    Digital and Entrepreneurial Curriculum

    for Juniors and Seniors

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IDRISI Cultura e Sviluppo ETS

IDRISI Cultura e Sviluppo is a not-for-profit organisation incorporating all the social and cultural values necessary to develop impact finance solutions harmonising the economic and social nature of every action, thus guaranteeing their economic sustainability through time as well as generating social value for the beneficiary communities.

IDRISI was born out its members' prior individual experience and it proactively fosters shared and structured cultural partecipation as one of the main pillars of cohesive citizenry. It supports the dissemination of knowledge and know how as the determining contributors to the building of collective human capital.

For this reason, the members intended to share their rich curriculum of individual professional experiences, giving life to the Association and conferring on it experiences and professional relationships, with the aim of developing actions, projects, cultural and educational activities to support all those factors necessary for the dissemination of culture in general, capable of contributing to the growth of citizens' knowledge capital.

In particular, IDRISI looks forward to bolstering such life-long learning activities designed to upskill and increase knowledge of its members and associates within the civic, social and labour fields, as inter-cultural and inter-faith dialogue, respectful of all cultures and abridging the educational, cultural and art sectors.
The Association strives to foster quality education and training, focusing on incubators, new technologies and collaborative work models, both in Italy and beyond. It aims to achieve sustainable development, improve quality of life, and strengthen links between culture, education, social affairs, democracy, urban policies, research and innovation, health and well-being.

IDRISI is home to a wide-range of statutory purposes in line with the founders' skills and is, consequently, equipped with several professional profiles, including researchers, teachers, guidance counsellors, teacher-trainers in specialist disciplines, strategic planning consultants, cultural heritage, legal and administration experts.
As one of its core activities, IDRISI designs solutions is meant to suppress the entry barriers preventing the youth from integrating into their socio-economic social fabric, via awareness-raising campaigns in partnership with le public bodies private enterprises. We specialise in countering school drop-out and the NEET phenomenon.
As such, our current top project is BUCOLICO, a KA204 Strategic Partnership co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The Association can provide solutions to support the entire education – training – employment chain, which we deal with as a single block built the individual and his/her educational, social and work growth path.

- solidarity and mutual collaboration. IDRISI aims to improve the material and moral conditions of the members and to aggregate those who, inspired by the highest ideals of justice, intend to contribute to the realization of the values of legality by participating in the strengthening of equal opportunities in every field of economic and social life to achieve these purposes;

- sharing diversified ideas and skills, experiences and practices to be tested and already tested, encouraging the development of local, national and international projects capable of exploring the fundamental social challenges for young people and adults to generate new possibilities and solutions to common problems and priorities that impact the community;

- promotion of knowledge, culture, economy, politics and society of European and other emerging countries, of undertaking and developing cooperation and cultural exchange projects between Italy, Europe, China, Asia and other emerging countries;

- carrying out cultural, educational, training, pedagogical, and social promotion activities, to face the major environmental and societal challenges already identified by the Europe 2020 strategy, including the themes of health and demographic changes and well-being.

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Bucolico Consortium

Building Community Resilience through Communication & Technology


Erasmus +

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