• Slide 1


    Veerkracht van de leergemeenschap door middel van communicatie en technologie

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  • Slide 2

    Curricula voor training

    Curricula voor digitale en ondernemerscompententies

    Voor jongeren en senioren

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Innovation Frontiers IKE

Innovation Frontiers IKE is an innovative educational technology & research company working in close cooperation with educational institutions, such as universities, schools, adult & vocational centers and educational oriented NGOs whose main target is to develop new educational approaches. The company is exploring new ways of using modern technology and modern teaching methods to improve the lifelong learning environment and make learning more accessible and more fun. What is more the company integrates the implications of educational neuroscience in classroom so as to improve the efficiency of learning and teaching.

contact: innovafrontiers@gmail.com

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Bucolico Consortium

Building Community Resilience through Communication & Technology


Erasmus +

Dit project is gefinancierd met steun van de Europese Commissie. Deze website en de inhoud ervan geven alleen de mening van de auteurs weer, en de Commissie kan niet verantwoordelijk worden gehouden voor enig gebruik van de informatie op deze website.

Internet Web Solutions
Ad Meritum