Sorting a SERP:
A serp is usually sorted by relevance.
Give users the ability to sort responses by attribute (price, date, etc) it can be useful.
It is advisable to give the possibility to choose whether to order in ASCENDING OR DESCENDING way.
No results in SERP:
It is important to indicate to the user the absence of query results because it could. lead the user to wait for the search to be completed, if there is no indication that it has already been completed.
Only one result in SERP:
If the query gives only one result, it is not recommended to bring the user to the page found.
Seeing a website page appear instead of a results page can be confusing for the user.
SEO: Search Engine Optimization
It is a set of methods that can improve a site's ranking in search engine.
Acceptable SEO methods concern 3 areas:

SEO on language
It is essential to express yourself in the words the user knows and uses.
This is because search engines tend to give more weight to the words that appear in the headlines.
Users scan the result and often only read the title.
There is no point in attracting more users for the sole purpose of having them bounce off as the page is garbled or impractical.
The methods for discovering the language of the user of your site are your own logs (to discover the queries used by users) and tests.
IMPORTANT: Think of SEO in terms of key phrases, these tend to lead multiple users / customers.
SEO on architecture
It is important for:
- Ensure that the pages of a site are indexed.
- Ensure an adequate link structure to guide programs that surf the web by collecting information for the engines (spiders) through the contents.
Make sure there is a precise sequence of links from the homepage to any page you want to see indexed in search engines.
Reputation SEO
Search engines pay great attention to the reputation of the sites.
They do this by counting the number of links pointing to a particular site.
Key concept: If many sites consider your site to be trusted, it means yours site is important.
LINK: decisive criterion for web reputation.
Navigation and information architectures:
A well-structured site gives users what they are looking for when they look for it.
The 4 features that are collectively called AVAILABILITY cause the greatest search problems.
Findability determines how easy it is to find something by browsing rather than using the search function.
4 functions that are collectively called AVAILABILITY:


Navigation: a consistent navigation structure helps the user.
The navigation elements and their positions (bar, section names, the 'back' button) are steps that help the user to move from one section of the site to another.
Navigation is the MEANS. THE PURPOSE is to allow the user to get to the search content
Any kind of dynamic navigation must first of all be easy to use.
Tests and research made it possible to understand that:
• Users aged 6 to 12 are interested and like the 'treasure hunt' effect of the sites.
• In adolescence and beyond, the user has no patience and wants results quickly.
LINKS, BUTTONS, LABELS: you need to be specific!
It is necessary to make sure that the user easily understands and knows how to use the navigation buttons.
• Eliminate unnecessary words
• Use keywords
• Give specific information
Hierarchical menus (menus and submenus)
They should be used little and must not have more than 2 levels.
It is necessary to make sure that the dynamic menus remain on the screen long enough for the user to make his choice.
Menus that require too much precision and open and close with every mouse movement are difficult to manage.
Can I click it?
RULE: never create doubts for the user about the clickability of something.
It is advisable to follow the standards: BLUE AND UNDERLINED LINKS.
When the user is able to understand what a site allows him to do we can say that the usability of that interface is good.
DIRECT ACCESS TO THE HOMEPAGE: it is important to place direct links on the homepage to a small number of quick operations.
Typography and readability of a site
To form a positive first impression of a site and sustain it throughout the site, you need to choose the fonts and colors that work best on the web.
Even today, the legibility of the sites remains a problem. No matter how nice the site is, if you don't read the text it will be a site doomed to failure.
The right use of typography and the right color combinations are essential components of good visual design.

No fonts and no sizes are suitable for any audience or any situation.
A pleasant body (size) and a good contrast between text and background make a site readable and comfortable for all age groups.
When choosing the text size of your site, prefer a larger body (it will please all users) rather than lose access to the site itself.
The minimum text size value should never be less than 10 points
Target audience
Body text measurement
Undifferentiated audience
10 - 12
Elderly and people with vision impairment
12 - 14
Children and other non-regular readers
12 - 14
Teen and young adults
10 - 12
Typography and readability of a site:
Choosing the content of your site carefully is important as dense texts keep users away.
Using fonts (times, Calibry, etc) that are more readable in large body is important since not all users use a new machine with a good quality screen.
Gradually all users will use larger schemes that allow for efficient use of the web and applications.
Until then, the use of small, low-resolution monitors must be envisaged.
Relative Specifications:
It is recommended that you specify a site's text size relatively
It is necessary to provide for the use of your site by users with visual impairments: provide for the ability to change the size of the text.
Choose a font (font)
Not all machines have the ability to read specific fonts.
Most browsers use the following pre-installed fonts:
- Arial
- Arial black
- Comic sans MS
- Courier New
- Georgia- Impact
- Times New Roman
- Trebuchet MS
- Verdana
Which font to choose when in doubt?
If you are not sure which font to use with 'Verdana' you are not mistaken.
It is popular on all platforms, works well in a small body, and is pleasant on the screen.
The use of fonts and colors:
• Rule 1: Limit the number of typographic styles on your site.
• Rule 2: Changing the font can help the reader to distinguish information and grasp the most relevant information.
• Rule 3: Do not use more than four colors and three different fonts in the main areas of a website, it would appear unstructured and low-level.
Uppercase text is much slower to read by 10% than lowercase.
- Limit the use of capital letters to short titles
Lowercase words are easier to read, especially in cases where the text has little contrast with the background and is underlined.
Contrast between text and background

Color Blindness
8% of men and 0.5% of women in the world have color blindness,
Mainly to red and green, it means he can't tell them apart.
This is why we advise you to be careful on your site as the wrong color combination can be illegible.
How to make the colors stand out:
- Do not use colors with strong differences in intensity, better black and white
- Don't rely on color to distinguish information from each other, you need to vary another attribute in the text.
Text images:
A site that relies on graphics raises various classes of problems.

IText images:
A site that relies on graphics raises various classes of problems.
• The graphic text cannot be selected, the user likes to select the content and be able to paste it on their own document.
• Speech synthesizers (vocal reproduction of what is written) have difficulty
• with graphic text and for this they need support programs that the user often does not have.
Moving text:
The blinking or moving text distracts the user from what he wants to do.
Moving text is problematic for users who have to translate while reading. This happens because the user wants to decide their reading speed without having to be influenced by external factors.
For people with impaired vision and / or neurological problems, moving text does not allow you to focus and maintain eye contact.
Write for the web
A visually pleasing site is good but the quality of the content is more important.
To attract and keep visitors on a site it is important to propose solid and clear content and to provide efficient and intuitive access to that content.
Writing for the Web: Poor writing destroys a site
Disorganized content can make simple tasks on the web difficult, such as choosing a product.
In fact, if a site makes it easy to find answers, the user trusts and comes back.
Good design helps the visitor to be satisfied but it is not enough.
As the user reads:
The user adapts any strategy to save time.
In fact, it gives a first glance to get an idea of the web page and if necessary goes into the details of the content.
If the site does not quickly reveal what it has in store for the user, the user gets tired and leaves him without the possibility of returning to this page.
Write for readers:
If you don't have an editor or an experienced web editor you should hire one.
This is necessary as content requires expertise.
The information must be filtered and processed to be made admissible by the your typical user.
It is necessary to write simple and concise content to demonstrate respect for the user's time.

When self-promotion is justified:
When showing results of particular value with the aim of appearing authoritative without exaggerating.


Highlight keywords:
Draw attention to specific parts of the page.
Instead, highlight long paragraphs: it conveys a sense of crowding and does not allow you to distinguish the important things.
Use short titles and headers, these should convey the message with few words.
Title hierarchy:
• Main titles must be written in a larger body than the body of the text.
• Subtitles should be smaller than the titles but distinct from the rest of the page.
• Titles must be left justified, the first letter of the first word must be capitalized.
The lists: bulleted or numbered

REMEMBER: short paragraphs are more manageable, it is a good idea to stay below 5 sentences.
Guidelines for formatting a list:
- Using lists for 4 or more items (unnecessary short lists)
- Anticipate the list with an introductory sentence
- Indent the list with respect to the body of the text
- Don't leave too much space between the period and the text of the entry
- Begin each entry without an article
- Use parallel phrasing (fluid, each voice begins with the same type of word and completes the opening sentence),
- Don't make too many lists, they are ineffective.
How to present the products
To sell or promote online, you need to give people the information they need for an informed and informed purchase.
Predict the customer's questions and make sure the answers are easy to find.
It is important to be direct so that the user can easily find out the price of the product: The additional costs (taxes and shipping) must be explained on the first page of the cart if not before.
Win customer trust
Customers trust a site that can explain the product clearly.
- The product and its offer must be sufficiently explained
- Pictures must adequately show details
Win customer trust
A typical and serious mistake is when the user clicks on 'enlarge' and the site shows the same photo or enlarges it a little.
It is better to give a sequence of close-ups in order to allow a complete view of all the details of the product the user is looking for.
Divide the pages
Don't flood your customers with information, you don't need to show all the details in a single solution.
It is good to distribute the information over several layers.
The following slide lists the information you need to link to.
Create links for the following info:
• Product details
• Photos, illustrations and demos
• Comments from experts and users
• Common problems and maintenance
• Spare parts and accessories
• Information about the manufacturer
• Offers and discounts
Support Comparative Purchasing:
It is not enough to bring the user to your site, you have to keep him interested.
Fewer choices will result in a better shopping experience.
Make it possible to gradually narrow down the selection criteria and make side-by-side comparisons.
REFINE AND ORDER: if you have a site with many products, give the user the opportunity to select and view the most relevant results.
Quality content helps sales

The arrangement of the contents, remember that: The user judges a site based on the first impression.
Frequent layout errors on web pages:
• The layout does not highlight the importance of the info
• Interactions without indications
• Related sections not grouped
• Chaotic or absent alignment
• Things are not where expected
• Too many elements on a single page
How to avoid layout errors:
THE 3 CLICK RULE: all information on a site should be accessible from the homepage with a maximum of 3 clicks.
Does the page have to scroll?
A user hardly ever scrolls a page.
When designing a page you can expect a minimum of scrolling but the most important contents must be shown first.
The 4 rules of scrolling:
• Respect the design rules, the user only looks for where he expects to find something.
• If there is white space at the bottom of the screen, the user expects the end of the page.
• The ad-like is a sign of the end of the page
• Contents above the fold signal the presence of contents below the fold.
Lead the user step by step
When a search is divided into several phases, the user must be guided along a linear and predictable path without confusing him with too many choices.
SIMILAR TO SIMILAR: Collect related items to make sure they get noticed.
Forms paginated without logic
If the fields are arranged in a random and disorganized manner, it is difficult to associate each field with the label that identifies it.
It is therefore necessary: to align things in a suitable way with airy spacing, this allows the user to recognize the different groups of information and the relationships that bind them.
Satisfy user expectations: what the user expects depends on the conventions adopted in most sites.
Use empty space:
• The empty space allows the user to divide the information into manageable units.
• The void around the lists attracts key points and reduces visual fatigue.
Balance between technology and user needs
With the spread of fast connections, multimedia sites are becoming more and more popular.
Use of multimedia: carefully integrated, they can promote usability by making content not only more fun and engaging but also more accessible.
To create a successful website, you need to know what degrees of interactivity you need and what tools to use in each situation.