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Introduction and sustainability
In 2020, 4 passionate entrepreneurs – each broadly experience in their specific field – joined forces. Together they hold 1 straightforward objective: increase safety and efficiency in the industry. Teamwork and partnership are the central pillars in this success story.
A total concept. You might see many small independent drone pilots coming your way, but they are often unable to offer the desired quality level. By carefully training and guiding the Skye pilots in accordance with industrial standards, we can offer our clientele exactly what they need. In addition to inspection, SkyeBase has a separate branch that focuses on innovation. By sharing practical experiences with research partners, new products are developed to help the industry in their desire and need for innovation. Within SkyeBase they have our own staff that engages in software and hardware innovations. Since they are specialised in both innovation and inspection, they are able to work out custom drone inspections along with our customer.
Along with their customers, we make inspection methods more efficient and accurate. Therefore they define the needs and develop and create new software and drone solutions. To achieve our goals they use deep learning and data science technology.
Transitioning towards a safer, reliable and efficient industry. By using advanced technologies like Drones,
The data specialists of Skybase analyse the consumers data by using Artificial Intelligence. The report is efficiently visualized via their own data platform. SkyeBase develops tailor-made reporting tools or can implement the consumers specific data into online existing reporting tools. As consumers now place greater value on sustainable online tools, then it was advisable to make an easy to use platform. After all, such measures not only protect the environment, but also provide for additional revenue and higher profits.
Values and standards
SkyeBase has a wide range of experience. In addition to their own projects, they regularly join forces by setting up inspiring collaborations.
Scalability and resilience
SkyeBase is the total inspection service provider & inspection platform developer that helps asset owners and maintenance managers deploy and perform 100% uptime inspections with drones and sensors for the management of their critical assets. This with the aim of reducing costs and increasing efficiency in order to work in a more ecological and safe way with the maximum use of intelligent software to obtain actionable data analyzes.