Questo progetto è stato finanziato con il supporto della Commissione Europea. Questa pubblicazione riflette le opinioni esclusivamente degli autori, e la Commissione non può essere ritenuta responsable di alcun tipo di uso che possa esser fatto delle informazioni qui contenute.
Introduction and sustainability
Your trip, your choice. Poppy is a mobility sharing service in Belgium. Choose from 500 shared cars, 400 e-scooters or 400 kickscooters in Antwerp and Brussels.
The company has the following objectives, both in Belgium and abroad:
- the creation and development of a network and system for car sharing and / or rental of vehicles in self-service (registration, reservation, geolocation, access to the vehicle, billing etc.).
- the development of every type of land, passenger and freight transport, such as courier services, specialized and other transport, private taxis, limousines, with and without driver, taxis for disabled persons.
With more than 1 million kilometers driven already, Poppy is completely changing the way people move around in Belgium. Poppy is a pioneer in multicity modality, you can now pick up a car in Brussels or in Antwerp and drop it off in the other city. It's extremely convenient! But Poppy is also a pioneer when it comes to multimodal mobility. They are not only offering car sharing, but they are also offering scooter and moped sharing, and everything from the same app."
Values and standards
Poppy covers the five biggest misunderstandings about car sharing:
Scalability and resilience
The term car sharing is relatively unknown. Yet car sharing has been around for decades. You can split it up into two big groups: peer-to-peer car sharing and one-way sharing platforms that offer cars to share. In the first group, people will share or make their personal car available. Think of carpooling or renting out your car via a platform.
Poppy belongs to the second group, where organizations provide a whole fleet of cars for their users. In this group, you can also make a subdivision between stationary based and free-floating. With the first group, you have to pick up the car at a predetermined location and also bring it back there. Think of Cambio. With the Poppy free-floating system you can pick up the car where it is and leave it wherever you want in the zone.