Questo progetto è stato finanziato con il supporto della Commissione Europea. Questa pubblicazione riflette le opinioni esclusivamente degli autori, e la Commissione non può essere ritenuta responsable di alcun tipo di uso che possa esser fatto delle informazioni qui contenute.
Anassa, “queen” in ancient Greek, was also the title bestowed upon someone unique, a title of great honor. Anassa Organics selects several Greek products of fine quality, always coming from organic farming, using traditional farming practices with the utmost respect to the land. The business deals with organic products in order to produce mainly teas and infusions which are distributed in Greece and in Europe.
A group of young entrepreneurs had the idea to offer organic herbs to various consumers: their purpose was to ensure product quality at all stages, from proper cultivation of herbs to the final result in the cup. Growing conditions, harvesting methods, and product quality are also taken into meticulous account while granting respect to the environment and to the land.
The collection of herbs is hand-picked and every single step is done manually. The herbs are dried in the most appropriate conditions so that their colour remains vivid, almost like when it was first picked. Abundant sunshine and rich soil composition add even more to these products, free of chemicals and delivered with environmentally friendly methods of production. Besides, the innovative way of serving offers the opportunity to enjoy this taste everywhere. The purpose is to make the consumer part of the process as a substantial quality break from their daily routine. Specifically, consumers are invited after buying the package to select leaves and fruits and to fill the bag by themselves, to prepare their personal drink.
One of the key aspects of Anassa Organics is the network of collaborations which helped the original business to develop their high quality product: Anassa collaborated with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (agriculturists, chemists, agronomists) in order to provide valuable information and guidelines for herbs, blends but also for the selection of local suppliers (mainly small enterprises and family businesses located in the rural areas of Greece) and to build up a proper and competitive market research. The main aspect of innovation lies on the interactive packaging and on and the significant use of the online platforms to distribute the products in Europe.
Anassa Organics is a good example of businesses based on local resources which, thanks to innovative approaches and market strategies, are extremely appealing for demanding individuals and customers.